This section includes surveyor training programs, information and resources related to surveying for care of persons with dementia and unnecessary medication use in long-term care facilities.
Training Programs
CMS Surveyor Training
This online training on the Use of Antipsychotic Medication by CMS Survey and Certification Group for surveyors, includes two modules: Overview of Antipsychotic Medication Use in Nursing Homes, and Surveying for Antipsychotic Medication Use in Nursing Homes. The third installment of the mandatory training addresses how to cite severity and scope and other aspects of deficiency citations in more detail, based on new guidance at F309, Care of Residents with Dementia, and revised guidance at F329.
Overview of Antipsychotic Medication Use in Nursing Homes
This program provides background information on the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care and survey basics related to care of person with dementia and unnecessary medications.
Severity & Scope Guidance - Antipsychotic Medication Use in Nursing Homes
This training will address how to cite severity and scope and other aspects of deficiency citations in more detail, based on new guidance at F309, Care of Residents with Dementia, and revised guidance at F329.
The mission of the Hand in Hand training is to provide nursing homes with a high-quality training program that emphasizes person-centered care in the care of persons with dementia and the prevention of abuse.
Hand-in-Hand Manual
Hand-in-Hand Module 1
Understanding the World of Dementia
Hand-in-Hand Module 2
What is Abuse
Hand-in-Hand Module 3
Being with a Person with Dementia
Hand-in-Hand Module 4
Being with a Person with Dementia –
Actions and Reactions
Hand-in-Hand Module 5
Preventing Abuse
Hand-in-Hand Module 6
Being with a Person with Dementia –
Making a Difference
Hand-in-Hand Manual
Glossary of Terms
Hand-in-Hand Manual
Resources Pt. 1
Hand-in-Hand Manual
Resources Pt. 2
For more information, please visit www.cms-handinhandtoolkit.info/ or email cms_training_support@icpsystems.com.
Medicare Learning Network’s MLN Connects® National Provider Calls
The National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes and QAPI are partnering on MLN Connects Calls to broaden discussions related to quality of life, quality of care, and safety issues. The National Partnership was developed to improve dementia care in nursing homes through the use of individualized, comprehensive care approaches to reduce the use of unnecessary antipsychotic medications. QAPI standards expand the level and scope of quality activities to ensure that facilities continuously identify and correct quality deficiencies and sustain performance improvement.
Use keyword “Dementia” to filter for topics related to improving dementia care and reducing the use of antipsychotics.
The Survey and Certification Letters are available for download. A more recent list, as well as more information on the National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care, is available here.
Focused Dementia Care Survey Tools
Survey and Cert Letter 16-04 [PDF, 294KB]
2014 Final Report & 2015 Expansion Project – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Focused Dementia Care Survey Pilot
Survey and Cert Letter 15-31 [PDF, 161KB]
Focused Minimum Data Set (MDS) and Dementia Care Surveys
Survey and Cert Letter 14-22 [PDF, 131KB]
Interim report on the CMS National Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes: Q4 2011 – Q1 2014
Survey and Cert Letter 14-19 [PDF, 3MB]
Advanced Copy: Dementia Care in Nursing Homes: Clarification to Appendix P State Operations Manual (SOM) and Appendix PP in the SOM for F309 – Quality of Care and F329 – Unnecessary Drugs
Survey and Cert Letter 13-35 [PDF, 649KB]
Checklist Review of Care and Services for a Resident with Dementia (for use with the Interpretive Guidance at F309)
Surveyor Checklist - Survey and Cert 13-35 [PDF, 273KB]
Release of Mandatory Surveyor Training Program on Care of Persons with Dementia and Unnecessary Antipsychotic Medication Use – Release of Third Video
Survey and Cert Letter 13-34 [PDF, 113KB]
Hand in Hand: A Training Series for Nursing Homes,” on Person-Centered Care of Persons with Dementia and Prevention of Abuse
Survey and Cert Letter 12-44 [PDF, 91KB]
Request to Convey Information: Partnership to Improve Dementia Care in Nursing Homes
Survey and Cert Letter 12-42 [PDF, 294KB]